"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Music: The Gift of Joy!
When I was a kid, my father used to sing with us. He typed up his favorite songs to make songbooks, and we sat around the living room and sang as a family. This instilled in me a lifelong love of music. I sang in the youth choir, took guitar lessons, sang around campfires and at song swaps, and joined community choruses. All this before I formally learned to read music, and became a music teacher.
How many times have you wished you could sing or play an instrument? Making music is a joyous experience! Making music with others helps to build meaningful connections.
Lessons can improve your musical skills and boost your confidence. But most importantly, learning to make music gives you a lifelong gift: a joyful, meaningful, creative outlet!
Note: Classes and lessons are now available both virtually and in-person!

Young Living Essential Oils:
The Gift of Wellness!
Four years ago, I developed a headache. This was not unusual for me. I had used OTC pain relievers for so many headaches that I had developed a sensitivity to them.
What was unusual was that a friend was visiting. She offered Deep Relief, an essential oil blend, for me to try instead. To my shock and amazement, my headache evaporated within a couple of minutes!
She told me about some of the other oils she had with her, and about the company, Young Living Essential Oils. I learned about their high standards, their Seed to Seal promise, the high quality of the oils, and how these pure oils can impact wellness. I became a member.
Since bringing Young Living into my lifestyle, I no longer use pain medications; have greatly reduced allergy and asthma symptoms; have eliminated acid reflux meds; and have replaced toxic household chemicals with clean, healthy products. The gift of wellness has been a priceless blessing. I would love to help you bring that gift of wellness to your family!
Note: Free classes and consultations are now available both virtually and in-person!